Lift Engineering GmbH  is an efficient company founded in 2000. All employees have a lot of experience in their fields of work, are real professionals and are therefore absolutely competent.

Our Company's Philosophy ?

We want to

  • support you competently, fast, reliably and in a straightforward way
  • save you costs by enabling you to spend more time dealing with your original tasks
  • make you even more successful and competent
  • consolidate your position on the market

Our clients ?

  • architects, planners, engineering firms, construction firms, general takers
  • companies maintaining Facility Management
  • big, medium-sized and small lift manufacturers
  • metalworking- and steel scaffolding companies
  • final clients

Why we offer these services and products?

Outsourcing is the slogan.

Meanwhile many companies allocate their contracts to sub-suppliers, as

  • there are often not enough capacities within the own company
  • they want to concentrate on their original tasks
  • they have to deliver higher quality products at more favourable prices
  • quick reactions are necessary
  • they want to survive as competent, reliable and inexpensive suppliers

A strong competition of companies trying to ousting each other is up in Germany and Europe , especially concerning the field of carriage of passengers and goods by means of transport, like for example lifts, escalators, and travolators.

Because of the liberalization of the markets and the unification of countries on a European level there are many suppliers on a market which offers merely limited volume and growth.

Companies can only assert themselves by offering products which are innovative, future-orientated and technically convincing in connection with a balanced price-performance ratio.
Nevertheless the cost trend forces these companies, too, to start a kind of cost-cutting policy, which involves, among other things, the reduction of the number of employees.

In this way, the ability to react on changes on the market is limited, as higher capacities cannot be covered although those contracts would be of huge importance for these companies and service providers.

The allocation to "external" specialists is the solution for this problem.

A strategy which has proved its worth in many countries, as in this way everyone is able to concentrate on the essential part (core competence), thus the advantages for the clients can be increased considerably.

Satisfied clients are the result!

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